For those of you not in the know, Denglish is basically the same idea as Spanglish (a mixture of Deutsch and English). It's also becoming my primary mode of communication. I get so used to speaking German in class and with people here that if I switch to English with the other Americans I frequently end up saying things like "Could you geben me that pen?" or the time I thought of "wirklich" and "really" at the same time (they mean the same thing) and ended up saying "villy." Also, almost everybody here speaks at least some English, so we all tend to mix some English words in with our German. But that's all well and good, because Denglish is really a superior form of communication (better than German or English). With Denglish you can create your own words, such as my personal favorite, "schneegen." Schnee means snow and Regen means rain, so when it's snow/raining (wintry mix for you St. Louis folks), it's schneegening. Ok, I know I'm a huge nerd and love language too much. Moving on...
Below are a few pictures from my day trip to Cologne (Koeln to the germans). A group of us from the Goethe-Institut went on a Stadtfuehrung (city tour) with this crazy old man (about 70 maybe) who had huge 80s glasses and walked with a cane. He was awesome though, and knew tons of stuff about the city. The tour would have been a lot better though if we hadn't had such Scheisswetter. It was about 35, foggy, and alternately drizzling/snowing. Therefore, the pictures from Koeln are not that great; I'm definitely going back when the weather is better (of course that might take awhile here in Germany). After our Stadfuehrung Caroline and I met up with Leigh (another WashU student who's in the business school and doing an internship in Koeln). Pascal came down from Essen and we all went to this delicious currywurst cafe, Leigh showed us her apartment, and then Pascal and I went on a little dinner date while Caroline and Leigh went to a bar before Caroline and I headed back to Bonn. It was a really fun day and I definitely recommend Cologne for a visit. It's a very interesting city with an amazingly rich history and tons of stuff to do. There, that was my plug for Cologne.
In addition, you will also find below some random pictures from the Goethe-Institute and trips around Bonn. Probably won't be any new posts this weekend since I'm visiting Pascal in Essen, but I have some more pictures to put up next week. And next weekend is Karneval, which should be some crazy fun times, so I'll have lots of updates after that. Have a good weekend all!
Below are a few pictures from my day trip to Cologne (Koeln to the germans). A group of us from the Goethe-Institut went on a Stadtfuehrung (city tour) with this crazy old man (about 70 maybe) who had huge 80s glasses and walked with a cane. He was awesome though, and knew tons of stuff about the city. The tour would have been a lot better though if we hadn't had such Scheisswetter. It was about 35, foggy, and alternately drizzling/snowing. Therefore, the pictures from Koeln are not that great; I'm definitely going back when the weather is better (of course that might take awhile here in Germany). After our Stadfuehrung Caroline and I met up with Leigh (another WashU student who's in the business school and doing an internship in Koeln). Pascal came down from Essen and we all went to this delicious currywurst cafe, Leigh showed us her apartment, and then Pascal and I went on a little dinner date while Caroline and Leigh went to a bar before Caroline and I headed back to Bonn. It was a really fun day and I definitely recommend Cologne for a visit. It's a very interesting city with an amazingly rich history and tons of stuff to do. There, that was my plug for Cologne.
In addition, you will also find below some random pictures from the Goethe-Institute and trips around Bonn. Probably won't be any new posts this weekend since I'm visiting Pascal in Essen, but I have some more pictures to put up next week. And next weekend is Karneval, which should be some crazy fun times, so I'll have lots of updates after that. Have a good weekend all!
Oh, and happy Friday the 13th! Don't walk under any ladders!

This picture does not even being to do justice to the Koelner Dom (especially with the fog). The cathedral is MASSIVE and towers over everything, so it's pretty hard to get a good shot.

Pop quiz: what is the name of this architectural element? Give up? It's a flying buttress! Thank you AP European History...

This is a carving from a fountain that depicts a legend about Cologne. According to the legend, when Cologne was first founded, the people who lived there never had to work. All the work was done during the night by dwarves, so the inhabitants of Cologne could relax all day. The dwarves were shy, however, and didn't want to be seen by humans. One night a young girl let her curiosity get the better of her and went out with a lantern to spy on the dwarves. The dwarves saw her and were so scared that they fled Cologne forever. After that, the people in Cologne (the Koelner) had to work like anybody else, but they were always wistful for the days when they didn't have to work. And that's why the Koelner are so lazy and like to party, even to this day (seriously, that's the reputation the Koelner have in the rest of Germany).

So I zoomed in to get a picture of this clock (which is on a church) and found this rather creepy decapitated head sculpture underneath. I'm really at a loss to explain what Blackbeard's head is doing on a church in Germany.

Caroline and Flat Stanley were quite excited to be in Leigh's hammock (the guy who owns the apartment is part Paraguayan (is that right?) and apparently a bit of a character. Hence why he installed a hammock above his bed.

Remember the pic of the little castle in Bad Godesberg? Well Caroline and I hiked up to it because we wanted to climb the tower. This is a view from the hill we were on across the Rhein to the "Siebengebirge" and some typical german foggy weather

The door to the Godesburg tower, which unfortunately is only open April-Oct. So basically that foiled Caroline and I's plans, but oh well.

The Posttower, aka the headquarters of the German Post, Postbank, etc. It's the 7th tallest building in Germany, is made almost entirely of glass, and the outside can light up in different colors. Unfortunately, the day we visited the weather was absolutely horrible, so we couldn't really see much, even from the 30th floor (you can usually see all the way to Cologne).

They had a room full of mailboxes from different countries (including the good ol' U.S. of A). Kind of weird, but cool.
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