even though it literally snowed about 1/1000 of an inch, we still managed to have a little snowball fight. And Ian is far too big for that teeter-totter

Playing "Kicker" at Maya and messing around in Bonn-Zentrum

They even provide you with watering cans to care for the plants around the graves!

A slightly better view of the Dom. We had a kinda nice day here (note the hint of blue sky), so I took the train 35 minutes each way to stay in Koeln for 25 minutes and take pictures of the Dom. Oh well, I have a Bahnkarte, so it was free.
I may or may not be slightly obsessed with the Koelner Dom. It's just so huge and intricate, it fascinates me. In the photo on the right you can see how they are constantly rebuilding and repairing parts of the Dom.
Koeln Hauptbahnhof (train station)
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