We unfortunately weren't there long enough to really explore, but we did hit up all the main sights. We did a bus tour that took us to the Tower of Lond which we spent a couple of hours checking out, then a river cruise back along the Thames to where Big Ben is, and the next day a walking tour from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace for the changing of the guard. Other activities included a "flight" (that's what they call it) in the London Eye, going to the musical 'Chicago' in the West End and eating at an amazingly delicious Indian restaurant. On our last morning we toured St. Paul's and then headed off to catch the train to Paris!

In the cab on the way to the airport. London cabs are amazing: we fit 5 people and all of the luggage in 1! At crosswalks in London they always tell you which way to look so you don't step in front of traffic. Please note that dad is following the directions and looking left.

Sherlock Holmes Museum (unfortunately closed); mom and Sherlock; on our double-decker tour bus

Trafalgar Square and Admiral Nelson column

St. Paul's Cathedral; City of London financial district with super-modern architecture, including the "Gurken" or Pickle to us Americans; Tower of London

Traitor's Gate; Bloody Tower; reproduction of a castle room

The White Tower; the building housing the Crown Jewels (those were spectacular. I've never seen so much sparkle in my life); the Tower Lawn

The White Tower again; the ramparts

Tower Bridge

The Tower Ravens: legend has it that if they ever leave the tower, England will fall. Which is why their wings are kept clipped. Nothing like taking control of fate!

As seen from the river cruise: the Globe Theater, houses of Parliament, London Eye and some museum

Houses of Parliament; Westminster Abbey

the infamous London buses; Big Ben and the Thames; crazy Dali sculpture

hanging out around the London Eye

In the London Eye at sunset (the view was breathtaking)

Big Ben with Westminster Abbey behind it; Houses of Parliament

Various stages of the changing of the guard

Buckingham Palace; our tour guide using Jackson and another kid to demonstrate the changing of the guard ceremony; Harrod's Department Store, where mom and I split a delicious Spanish cheese platter and then went jeans-shopping.

Kensington Palace; St. Paul's Cathedral
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